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Our objective is to make sports pursuits safer. We have developed a display system to show avalance status so you can see weather and avalanche conditions by glancing at a display. Making it easier to access this information is our objective. Our intent is for people to review the information daily.

Safety increases with awareness

What we do?

We simplify access to local weather and avalanche conditions. It can be enchanced by adding personal URLs to the dispplay such as your local resort information snowfall reports and road status.

Our model is to provide a limited capacity free service for the first year. It can be customized by personalizing the displays, increasing the amount of information displayed and by purchasing our hardware. But you can run the system on your own ipad or firetablet or on your phone.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Free /month
  • Save up to five URLs in your account
  • View weather and avalanche conditions for your location
  • Easily add other locations to the list
Get started


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

$10 /month
  • Track up to 20 URLs
  • Insert youtube videos and other media
  • Record simple route plans
Get started

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We never share your information to any third party